Newsletter – Volume #8
Lynda Pollack-Schiffer
The Fighter’s Heaven Family lost a key member when Lynda Pollack-Schiffer passed away on Nov.14th. Lynda spent a lot of time at the Camp on weekends giving tours, talking with visitors and sharing stories about her family’s friendship with Muhammad Ali and his family. It was Lynda’s father, Bernie Pollack, who invited Ali to train in Deer Lake on the family’s mink farm. Later, he sold the land to Muhammad to build his training camp, “Fighter’s Heaven.” Everyone who visited the Camp enjoyed listening to Lynda talk about Muhammad Ali’s time in the area. On Dec.15th family and friends gathered at the Camp to remember Lynda and celebrate her life. She’ll be missed by many and always remembered at Fighter’s Heaven.
National Register of Historic Places
Fighter’s Heaven received this official document from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission commemorating our listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
Fighter’s Heaven Open During the Winter (Nov. thru April) by Appointment. FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ~ Call 570-968-2961 or email [email protected]
Fighter’s Heaven Gives Back
In the spirit of the season and in honoring Muhammad Ali’s legacy as a humanitarian and his long, unwavering commitment to helping others less fortunate, Fighter’s Heaven donated a total of $20,000 to four worthwhile organizations. $5,000 each was donated to the following: Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, KY, Avenues of Pottsville, PA in memory of Lynda Pollack-Schiffer, and St. Patrick’s Pottsville Area Soup Kitchen.
Fighter’s Heaven does not charge admission to tour our facility, but donations are gladly accepted. These donations and any sales of T-shirts and sweatshirts go directly to these worthy organizations – all in Muhammad Ali’s spirit of “giving”.
Breakfast With Santa Charity Event
The 3rd Annual Breakfast with Santa was a big hit for all in attendance! It was a wonderful event of fun, food and smiles while raising money for a great organization, Bridge 127, a non-profit organization in Pottsville, PA that helps in bridging the gap in the foster care system. They partner with local child welfare agencies to assist high risk youth, make placement transitions easier, and to assist aged-out youth as they gain independence.
Visit to Former Ali Home in Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Fighter’s Heaven was recently invited to tour Muhammad Ali’s former home in Cherry Hill, NJ. We were invited by nonprofit executive Kamilah Little of The Champs Camp, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering middle and high school students to overcome life’s challenges. In addition to touring the impressive and luxurious home of the former Champ, we discussed possible future collaborations with the organization. Ali and his family lived at the Cherry Hill home from 1971 to 1974 – during the time when he first built the Deer Lake Training Camp.
New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame Dinner
Representatives from Fighter’s Heaven attended the 53rd Annual New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Dinner at The Venetian in Garfield, NJ. The lavish affair was attended by many luminaries from the world of boxing. It was great to connect with various people and discuss possible future collaborations. General manager Mick Stefanek gave a brief explanation of the Camp and urged everyone in attendance to come visit this historic site. Besides Mick, Fighter’s Heaven was represented by Mustafa Ameen, Mark Winn and Jeff Julian. Thank you to NJBHOF President Henry Hascup and his staff for a wonderful evening and for helping us spread the word.
Jersey Joe Walcott Grandsons Visit Camp
Fighter’s Heaven recently welcomed an overnight stay by two of the grandsons of former World Heavyweight Champion Jersey Joe Walcott. Brothers Chris Cream and Alexander (“Apollo Ali”) Cream made a “pilgrimage” to this historic site for personal inspiration and to absorb the energy of Ali’s spiritual presence. They took much pride in seeing the famous boulder Ali had painted to honor their grandfather.
Alexander, known as Apollo Ali, is a well known Hip Hop artist, producer and podcaster (@apolloalimusic; www.ApolloAli.com) and has worked and toured with some of the industry’s best. His brother Chris is a well known actor, artist and producer (@iamchriscream) who has been acting, producing and directing for independent film and television productions.
Also joining them overnight was Condido Verona, a media content expert specializing in directing and producing and has worked with the likes of P. Diddy, Chris Brown, Kevin Hart, Netflix and Sony Music Entertainment.
Apollo shared his thoughts on their visit…. “I think each and every one of us can identify with the idea of overcoming obstacles and achieving our ultimate aspirations. In a nutshell, THAT’s what Fighter’s Heaven represents to me. I hope to be back again soon!”
Palmerton High School
Students from Palmerton Area High School made a trip to the Camp! Their visit included an educational tour and providing help with some fall cleanup work. We want to thank Mr. McArdle and Mr. Gombert for making this happen! This is the 3rd time for the doing it!
If you’re interested in getting information about bringing a youth or school group to Fighter’s Heaven, contact Mick Stefanek at the following: Email: [email protected] Phone: 570-968-2961
Looking Ahead in 2024
Thank You for another great year at Fighter’s Heaven! It was the best one so far and it’s only going to get better! Attendance continues to increase from year to year and the Camp had its largest number of youth/school groups take the educational tour!
2024 promises to be an exciting year! We’re going to be using the winter months to plan and finalize some awesome events for next season.
The Camp is now open by appointment only from November-April. To schedule a visit, call 570-968-2961 or email [email protected]. See you in 2024!
Dennis Bello
Hi Mick, hope all is well with you. I haven’t seen Maryum since she was a little girl when I visited Muhammad back in his training days. look forward to visiting the camp soon. Dennis Bello